United in a Shared Vision

Tour Operator Representation
We take pride to offer valuable experience, reliability ,efficiency and the essential support in regards to contracting, reservations, transfers, excursions, car rental, theme events, yield management, last minute, special offers, groups & incentives, business travel, conferences, special interest packages and ground handling services for cruises, in Greece.
Hotel Contracting
Taking advantage of our extensive knowledge and network of contacts, we maintain strong working relationships with our partners and suppliers negotiating together the most favorable rates.
Our hotel portfolio spans throughout Mainland Greece and the Greek Islands offering hotel inventories and services of over 1500 properties of all hotel categories.
We are ready to assist you every step on the way to source the right accommodation, negotiate favorable rates and conditions and respond to your needs and requirements
Reservations Management
Our team uses only the most advanced technology and pride themselves on efficiency and reliability within a 24/7 365 environment.
We are always available to offer our in-depth knowledge of our products and services and have the skill set to handle all requests.
Our assigned and dedicated staff will assign and execute a carefully organized transfer schedule so as your clients to reach the desired hotel accommodation safely and in comfort
Meet and Greet
Our friendly airport team are visible and on hand for your arrival to Crete, our welcome desk is manned by our team who offer a professional and efficient meet and greet service.
A warm and friendly welcome by our team is guaranteed and are they at the ready to make sure your arrival is smooth and hassle free.
Enjoyment - Authenticity - Diversity
We have combined our local knowledge, our passion for the all things Greek, the highest enjoyment levels and in-house Hi Tech software when creating our excursion program.
Cooperating with only the best multi-lingual professional guides, we have an extensive excursion program catering for all needs, wants and tastes, making sure only the highest quality is offered.
Welcome Office for your Team
All of our offices are furnished with style and are fully equipped with the required infrastructure, ready to welcome your in resort Team